November 2022
Hello Tuscany Residents,
Welcome to the Be Aware, Share, Care newsletter dedicated to safety in the Tuscany subdivision. This newsletter will be published on the Tuscany News page of the HomeAtTuscany.com website, which is where the HOA shares community updates, and distributed via eBlast from the property management company to all Tuscany residents who have shared their email address with MGM. The intent is to share important safety information relevant to the community with the community.
The content for this newsletter will come from you, the members of our community, and will be your platform to help keep Tuscany the wonderful place it is to live. You can share safety-related information and content by sending an email to TuscanySafetyInfo@gmail.com to let your neighbors know what is going on in and around the neighborhood. This email address has been added to the Contact page of the HomeAtTuscany.com website for easy access.
The newsletter will cover neighborhood safety, good neighbor deeds, and other things that will strengthen us as a community.
Watch for our news emails coming your way soon.
We wish you a safe and happy Holiday Season.
Tuscany HOA