January 2023
Hello Neighbors,
As the weather warms up and Tuscany Kids are out and about more, we wanted to share some thoughts about their safety. We know most of you have heard about the tragedy of the little child who lost his life recently while on his scooter. What some of you may not recall is this was the 2nd child who has died from a scooter accident. Another child was lost just down the street on Eagle Road a few years back.
Here are some friendly reminders we thought it might be good for you to share with your children.
Please slow down!!!! This applies to drivers of cars, as well as riders of scooters and bikes.
For Parents:
- Remind children to never travel alone.
- Go on a practice walk/ride of the route they will take to school or elsewhere.
- Properly fit helmets and check bikes and scooters for safety.
- Talk about what to do in an emergency.
- Talk about the importance of paying attention to their surroundings.
- During dusk and early mornings wear bright colors, or something that reflects light, and explain how glare from the sun may make it impossible for a driver to see them.
- Always use marked crosswalks and signals where provided.
- Look left, right, then left again before crossing the street.
- Make eye contact with drivers before proceeding.
- Keep alert at all times; don’t be distracted by electronic devices that take your eyes (and ears) off the road.
Helmet Safety:
- Helmets should fit snugly and not rock from side to side while sitting flat on top of your head.
- Helmets should sit level on your head and low forehead, one or two finger widths above your eyebrows.
- Most helmets are adjustable to lengthen or shorten the chin straps. This task is done most easily with the helmet off.
- Adjust the slider on both straps to form a V shape under and slightly in front of the ears. Lock the slider if possible.
- Buckle the chin strap. Tighten the strap until it is snug, so no more than one or two fingers fit under the strap.
- Does the helmet fit right? Open your mouth wide, and yawn. The helmet should pull down on the head.
If you have other safety issues, good neighbor deeds, or want to know about what is going on in Tuscany, here are the links: